The Transcarpathian hot tub is a unique method of steaming that ensures uniform heating of the entire body and is not inferior in healing properties to a bath or sauna. Bathing in a hot tub helps to relax muscles and relieve stress, while bringing aesthetic pleasure, as the process takes place outdoors in the forest.
We offer our guests a choice of 4 types of tubs, depending on the filling:
• Pansky: coniferous with essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, cajuput and caryophyllene to boost energy.
• Provencal: milky lavender with a light pine scent. It soothes the skin, fills it with a persistent lavender scent, and promotes relaxation of the whole body.
• Citrus: relieves stress, improves metabolism, makes skin smooth and silky.
• Vanilla-fruity: jasmine with floral notes and vanilla-fruity aroma, for soft and smooth skin.
A hot tub is not only a pleasant pause in your daily routine, but also an investment in your health. Enjoy Your vacation with benefits for Your body.
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